Got a Net?

I’ve been thinking a lot about stories.  Everyone has a story.  Sitting in the airport today watching the travelers rushing by, I can’t help but wonder what their story is.  The gal in her forties, dressed like she is a teenager.  Wearing huge, no HUGE, platform flip flops that appear to be at least a full size too big.  Or maybe the platform just so overwhelms her feet that the size is an illusion.  Her traveling companion is much younger.  At first glance you’d think they were a couple – second glance probably mother/son.
The three young Asian travelers quickly talking about their mentors, their work and where their lives are going.  Quick, bright, brimming with potential … either some type of Masters or Doctorate program in some field beyond my understanding.
Stories.  You are at the beginning of a story, or a new chapter … hopeful, excited, stretching to see the future, yearning for the outcome.  You are in the middle of a story, sitting idle, restless waiting to rev back up or on the flip side, tossed in turmoil, exploding in emotion just waiting to regain balance.  Wanting to find the new norm and settle back into “life.” Or you are at the end of a story, closing a chapter.  By choice or by circumstance, nevertheless an ending.
We are all moving thru, in different phases with different stories, but traversing life like the circus acrobat on the tightrope. Trying to maintain balance, keeping our composure … “just don’t tip, don’t look down, steady now, steady….” I wonder how many of the airport dwellers are tightroping without a net?  As I squeezed into my assigned middle seat on the plane, my window traveler, a small, elegant Filipino woman smiles shyly.  Clutching her rosary beads, lips moving in prayer throughout the flight … maybe holding the plane in flight?  Maybe praying for the people she just left? Or the people she is about to see?  Or maybe all?   Oh at least in part, it’s the plane in flight …. as we land in San Francisco, she crosses herself, smiles and looks up thanking her Father.   As she makes ready to leave, she rearranges her study tracks, the top being Prayers for those afflicted with Cancer.  I can’t help but wonder what my prayerful travel companion’s story is? Not sure, but it’s evident she is not traversing it without a net.
Don’t look down, but should you lose your balance, should you fall, He is there.  Keep it steady, focus on what’s across the tightrope and be ever so grateful for the net.

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