
Change of Address?

Have you ever been driving down a freeway or road, maybe even heading home, lost in your thoughts and suddenly look up and realize you missed your exit?  Or traveled…

31103, no more no less

I don’t do New Years Resolutions but one thing I promised myself this year was to write more. In life past, I used to write a lot and I’ve found…

Playing it Small

Lately I dont have a lot of my own words…but other people’s words are speaking to me in profound ways.  This is from the covered in dust blog: covered in…

What’s my assignment?

Assignments.  This word keeps appearing in random ways.  So you have to ponder what is your assignment?  Is it your family, your job, your hobby, your ministry, your serving, your…

The Chart of your Life

Imagine for a moment that your standing in front of a gigantic chart that tracks the movement of the stock market from almost the beginning of the last century. You…

Pump up the Volume

What do you do when God is loud?  When I first began my Christian walk I was blown away by how loud God was, how clearly I felt lead.  Had…

Just a piece of clay

Haven’t posted in a while.  Watching the world and how fast it spins.   I watched a new baby come into the world and watched a young mom say last…

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